

The evaluation

  • We want the voting on your performances to be fair play and that there is no place for so-called “friendship policy”.

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  • That’s why we have chosen a professional jury consisting of people with different focus in the music industry, such as: 
  • Musicians, sound engeneers or producers with many years of experience, that will evaluate your artistic work according to several criteria so that you receive fair marks.
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  • Head of Board of the Judges are Jeremy and Christine Stork from Australia, they have been placed there by Peter and Gaby!
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  • We have 4 Judging teams
  • Team 1 is responsable for all the invisible voting’s!
    Team 2 is responsable for all the visible voting’s!
    Team 3 is only for Cowboy Poetry
    Team 4 is only for book authors
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  • TEAM 1

  • The jury will not be able to see who the piece of music being judged is about, as all tag information is encrypted and can only be judged acoustically.
    It is therefore advisable to make sure that the works you submit are of high quality.
    Everything is kept under close watch, so cheating in any way, is not possible. If an incident would appear, we would certainly notice, as we have many eyes on it, if there is the slightest discrepancy, then there will be a discussion with some jury members of the long-standing guard  about this person and they will give a fair verdict! Anyone who tries to play incorrectly will be banned for life! It was tried twice in 5 years and we reacted immediatly! Thanks to our awesome Jury members!
    Since our jury consists of a very good team of long-standing jury members and some changing new jury members, special care is taken to ensure that there will be fair play judging by the newcomers too. This has nothing to do with the fact that we wouldn’t trust them, but we speak from experience and want to make it clear in advance that playing wrong is not possible with us!
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  • TEAM 2

    The audiovisual works to be judged are an exception.
    But here too, other criteria will be applied to ensure the fairest possible assessment.

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  • How does the judging work:

    We will send the jury members a secret link and a code, so that only they have access to. They can see all the different categories, the genres and categories are spread over a lot of pages. The judges will find in between 1 – 15 songs, or less,  in encrypted codes in each category and genre.
    This is an example with fantasy codes so that you can understand how our system works:
    If the jury check in to one of these pages, they will find 1 – 15 songs there in encrypted form, or less, such as the following fantasy numbers used for clarification – K001LD8 or M033PX4 or O016ME1 etc… next to it there is a box in which they can, if they click on it, they find different rating numbers, they click on the number that they think represents the song worthy.
    Once they have sent all the songs, they will disappear from their pages and they can no longer change anything. The voting’s will be automatically sent to our email…so by this way the judges work through all the different categories with all the encrypted numbers – no face – no country – no name of the song –  they have no clou who is behind these numbers. If they recognize a voice of a friend, or family member, or one of their own artists, they fill in a 0, which means for us, that these voting’s need to be finished by Jury Team 2, who is responsible for all the visible voting’s!
    At the end and elsewhere in our system, all the numbers are added together to automatically determine the winner of each genre. We started working with commas at the second highest number, so it is becoming increasingly unlikely that several people will be able to achieve a 1st place, but that is not in our control either, it still could be possible!
    To simplify how the judges can achieve the best result in the search for the true winner, we applying the following numerical classification.
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  • Red Carpet Awards  Judge Voting System

    This is how it will be evaluated

    Outstanding – 10
    Excellent – 9,1 – 9,9
    Good – 9 – 8
    Fair – 7
    Needs Work – 6
    Needs a lot of Work – 4 – 5
    Family,  Friends, own artists – 0
    Artist, who is also a Judge – 0
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  • At the same time, they can use the table below to be more confident with the rating, but that depends on them, whether they use it, or only part of it, or they have their own system. With us, no one is forced to do anything, the only thing that is important is, that they are sure of themselves, that they act fairly,  honestly and in good conscience, in their evaluations to the finalists.

    Voting Table

Some other assessment requirements

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  • What is the overall tonality?
  • Are there gaps in the spectrum?
  • Are signals too loud or too quiet at some points in the song?
  • Are the differences between quiet and loud signal components OK?
  • How is the stereo stage used?
  • Are the rooms coherent?
  • How “good” do the individual signals sound? How contoured and defined are they? And does it all fit together in the overall picture?
  • Are there any negatively noticeable playing errors or inaccuracies?
  • Does the groove “work”?
  • How are the tuning and intonation?
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In the photos you see some of our judges from the judging panel.


Jeremy and Christine Stork * Melbourne/Australia
Carol Chaney * Tamworth/Australia

Victoria Eman * Ommeren/Netherlands
Deby Kelley * Long Beach/USA

Daryn Wright * Texas/USA
Windwalker * Socorro/New Mexico
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