Your Choice

Your Choice

Make your decision


Participating with our show offers you many advantages.


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On one hand, it brings you media attention, as our event is shared a lot on various social media platforms and, on the other hand, regional, national and international media such as newspapers, magazines or radio and TV shows report about it (it’s not necessarily just us who do this; many artists take care of their own promotion and make their participation known independently and intensively) and it is also an extraordinary opportunity to make new contacts.


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As an old saying:
You snooze, you lose.


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If you like what we do and would like to participate, you can apply with a maximum of 3 different titles for a maximum of 3 music categories. Multiple titles in one category or only 1 title in 3 different music categories are not possible.


Independently of this, you can also enter the categories “Best Voice” or “Country Voice” – “Most appreciated …”-“Song of the Year”- “Best Song all Genre”- “Best Ballad all Genres”.
Also if you include a duet, that is extra and will not be counted in the 3 music genres as above mentioned, or collaborations etc…..If you are not sure ask us!
If you should be at the start with only 1 song, but there is also a video for this song, you can of course also be entered in the category “Best Video”.
Even application limited possible: Proofs
The person who deserves this is usually suggested by others and will be subject to closer scrutiny!


Humanity Award


No application is possible for the following:

Most appreciated and trustable Company
Fair Play Award
Brave Heart Award
Expert in Music
Or other awards spontaneously created by FPCM.Media!
As well as:


Twinkle Star … up to 9 years
Upcomming Star … up to 14 years old
Rising Star up to  …  24 Years
Shining Star up to … 24 years



Fair Play Award

A special award for “Fair Play” in the music business.

Brave Heart Award

A special award for time-critical commitment.

Expert in Music

A special award for reliable longtime judges.

2023 © fpcm.media
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